Hi, I have recycled the Code of the 16Step Sequencer to use it as a Sequencer for the Akai MPX16.
I belive, it could be used for the Akai MPX8 too. To trigger the sample-pads via MIDI, I used the MIDI-Channel 10 and the MIDI-Notes 36 to 51, for Pad 1 to Pad 16.
The functions are similar to the other 16-Step Sequencer.
Code MPX16 Sequencer
// E.Heinemann
// e.heinemann@hman-project.de
// 30.10.2016 - E.Heinemann Bonn Germany
// 2021-02-07 - E.Heinemann Updated and modified the MIDI-Note-Numbers and their names to map it to the MPX16-Defaults
// 2021-02-07 - E.Heinemann, new attempt to combine Menu-Button as a DN-Button with the Step-Buttons
// Helping sources:
// https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/midi-shield-hookup-guide/example-1-clock-generator--receiver
#include <Wire.h>
#include <MIDI.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
// http://www.86duino.com/?p=8254
#include "TimerOne.h"
// http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/MsTimer2
// #in clude <MsTimer2.h>
// other interesting Project:
// http://skagmo.com
// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9LyRmzGL5g
// https://github.com/Catmacey/DrumMachine
// Projects to build the Drum-Synths
// http://dmitry.gr/index.php?r=05.Projects&proj=02.%20Single-chip%20audio%20Player
// http://www.enide.net/webcms/index.php?page=pcm2pwm
// Coron DS7 http://m.bareille.free.fr/ds7clone/ds7.htm
// http://electro-music.com/forum/phpbb-files/dr_55_rimshot_clone_196.pdf
// Monotribe schematic
// Boss DR110 Scheamtics
// http://www.sdiy.org/richardc64/new_drums/dr110/dr110a1.html
// http://www.freeinfosociety.com/electronics/schemview.php?id=129
// http://www.sdiy.org/richardc64/new_drums/dr110/clap_etc.html
// Good example of needed sounds: http://delptronics.com/ldb2e.php
// http://pdp7.org/boss_dr_sync/bossdr110.html
// http://www.theninhotline.net/dr110/
// Pi Zero as SamplePlayer
// https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=127585
// Mozzi-based Drum
// https://github.com/fakebitpolytechnic/cheapsynth/blob/master/Mozzi_drumsDG0_0_2BETA/Mozzi_drumsDG0_0_2BETA.ino
* MPX16 receives on Channel 1 but sends on Channel 10 !
* Midi-Notes of the 16 Samples by default:
* 40 41 42 43 | 48 49 50 51
* 36 37 38 39 | 44 45 46 47
* Simply Samples from Midi 36 to 51
#include <EEPROM.h>
// Softserial is used to send MIDI via Pin TX 2, RX 3
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial softSerial( 2, 3 );
MIDI_CREATE_INSTANCE( SoftwareSerial, softSerial, midiA );
// #define NBR_INST 16
// #define NBR_PATTERN 16
// #define NBR_MIDI_CH 10
//Midi message define
// #define MIDI_START 0xfa
// #define MIDI_STOP 0xfc
// #define MIDI_CLOCK 0xf8
// Not implemented yet
uint16_t bpm = 125; // Default BPM
uint16_t old_bpm = bpm; // Default BPM
uint8_t midi_channel = 1; // Default Midi Channel
uint8_t midi_sync = 0; // 1 == Slave, 0 = Master - default
uint8_t LCD_Address = 0x27; // LCD is integrated via PCF8574 on Port 0x27
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd( LCD_Address, 16, 2 ); // simple LCD with 16x2
uint8_t address1 = 0x3C; // Address of the PCF8574 for first 8 Buttons and LEDs
uint8_t address2 = 0x38; // Address of the second PCF for LEDS & Buttons 9 - 16
// Button-Pins
const int buttonPinS = 4; // Menu/FN/Select-Button ..near to the POT
const int buttonPinL = 5; // Left- or Start-Button
const int buttonPinR = 6; // Right- or Stop-Button
// Value of the POT
int aPin3 = 3;
int aVal3;
int old_aVal3;
uint8_t newNote; // Variable for the MidiNote in the Menu
uint8_t count_step = 0; // Step counter
uint8_t count_bars = 16; // count steps per Pattern, .. with 2 PCF8574, I am able to define 16 Steps max.... virtually perhaps 32....
uint8_t count_ppqn =- 1; // 24 MIDI-Clock-Pulse per quart note counter
// Menu
String Modes[] = { "Instr", "Velo", "Speed", "Bars", "Note", "Scale", "Sync" };
uint8_t ModesNum[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 , 4, 5, 6 };
// Is the Sequencer running or not
boolean playBeats = true;
// Current Menu Settings
uint8_t curModeNum = 0;
String curMode = Modes[0]; // Sound or Play
// Instruments, Accent is not an Instrument but internally handled as an instrument .. therefore 17 Instruments from 0 to 16
const String shortSounds[] ={ "ACC" , "PAD 1", "PAD 2" , "PAD 3" , "PAD 4", "PAD 5", "PAD 6", "PAD 7", "PAD 8", "PAD 9", "PAD 10", "PAD 11", "PAD 12","PAD 13","PAD 14","PAD 15","PAD 16" };
const String Sounds[] ={ "Accent", "PAD 1", "PAD 2" , "PAD 3" , "PAD 4", "PAD 5", "PAD 6", "PAD 7", "PAD 8", "PAD 9", "PAD 10", "PAD 11", "PAD 12","PAD 13","PAD 14","PAD 15","PAD 16" };
uint8_t iSound[] ={ -1, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 }; // MIDI-Sound, edited via Menu 50=TOM, 44=closed HH,
uint8_t iVelo[] ={ 127, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90 }; // Velocity, edited via Menu
uint8_t inotes1[]={ 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255, 255,255,255,255,255,255,255, 255 };
uint8_t inotes2[]={ 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255, 255,255,255,255,255,255,255, 255 };
// Current Instrument .. the first selected
int curIns = 1; // 1 = PAD 1, 0= Accent
uint16_t timer_time=5000; //Time in microsecond of the callback fuction
uint32_t tempo_delay;
uint8_t bar_value[]={ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16};
// array of notes would be better, 2 bytes in notes for every instrument
uint8_t notes1;
uint8_t notes2;
// Old MIDI-Tricks, HH-Sounds first, Cymbals first, Snare, BD at least, ... to keep a tight beat
uint8_t oldStatus1=B00000000;
uint8_t oldStatus2=B00000000;
uint8_t bits1 = 0;
uint8_t bits2 = 0;
// Scale, Menu to change Scale is yet not implemented
uint8_t scale=1 ;//Default scale 1/16
uint8_t scale_value[] = { 3, 6, 12, 24, 8, 16 };
const String scale_string[] = { "1/32", "1/16", "1/8", "1/4", "1/8T", "1/4T" };
// BPM to MS Conversion
// http://www.sengpielaudio.com/Rechner-bpmtempotime.htm
// myRefresh is only a counter .. the higher the lower the BPM! To display a good BPM this value has to be translated
int myRefresh = 500;
int myStep = 0;
int veloAccent = 100;
int velocity = 100;
int step_position = 0;
int b = 10;
uint8_t count_instr = 00;
boolean oldStateS=1;
boolean buttonStateS=1;
boolean oldStateL=1;
boolean buttonStateL=1;
boolean oldStateR=1;
boolean buttonStateR=1;
String curPattern1="xxxxxxxxx";
String curPattern2="xxxxxxxxx";
// ### Base-Function for PCF8574 and WIRE ###
// PCF8574 Explosion Demo (using same pin for Input AND Output)
// Hari Wiguna, 2016
void WriteIo( uint8_t bits,uint8_t thisAddress ){
// ### Base-Function for PCF8574 and WIRE ###
// PCF8574 Explosion Demo (using same pin for Input AND Output)
// Hari Wiguna, 2016
uint8_t ReadIo( uint8_t address ){
WriteIo (B11111111, address ); // PCF8574 require us to set all outputs to 1 before doing a read.
Wire.beginTransmission( address );
// Wire.write(B11111111 );
Wire.requestFrom( (int) address, 1 ); // Ask for 1 byte from slave
uint8_t bits = Wire.read(); // read that one byte
Wire.requestFrom( (int) address1, 1 ); // Ask for 1 byte from slave
return bits;
// Plug MIDI-Out of MPX16 into MIDI-In of the arduino
// Press the PAD to select the PAD
void handleNoteOn( byte inChannel, byte inNote, byte inVelocity ){
// has the user pressed a PAD on the MPX16??
if( inChannel == 10 && inNote >=36 && inNote <= 51){
Select_Instr( inNote - 35 );
// const bool firstNote = midiNotes.empty();
// midiNotes.add(MidiNote(inNote, inVelocity));
// handleNotesChanged(firstNote);
// Callback from Timer1
void callback(){
if( old_bpm != bpm ){
Timer1.initialize(tempo_delay); old_bpm = bpm;
if( count_ppqn >= scale_value[scale] ){
if( step_position >= count_bars ){
count_ppqn =0;
digitalWrite(13, digitalRead(13) ^ 1);
// lcd.setCursor(0,1);
// lcd.print ("Step:" + String(step_position) + " " + scale_value[scale] );
// ########################### Show Notes and current Step via LEDs #########################
void showStep ( int mystep, uint8_t address1, uint8_t address2, uint8_t notes1, uint8_t notes2 ){
uint8_t bitdp1 = notes1;
uint8_t bitdp2 = notes2;
// Current Step would be only shown if played
if( playBeats==true ){
if( mystep < 8 ){ bitClear( bitdp1, step_position ); }
if( mystep >= 8 ){ bitClear( bitdp2, ( step_position-8 ) ); }
WriteIo( bitdp1, address1 );
WriteIo( bitdp2, address2 );
// ############################ Play the Midi-Notes #####################################
void Update_Midi() {
// first 8 beats
if( playBeats==true ){
veloAccent = 100; // Normal Velocity by default
// first Byte or first 8 Hits
// "song_position" is the current step
if( step_position<8 ){ // play notes1
// Accent set?
if( bitRead( inotes1[0],step_position ) == 0 ){
// Accent is set
veloAccent = iVelo[0];
// loop through all instruments .. But ignore Accent with 0
for( int i = 1; i < count_instr; i++ ){
if( bitRead( inotes1[i],step_position ) == 0 ){
velocity = round( iVelo[i] * veloAccent / 100);
if( velocity > 127 ) {
velocity = 127;
midiA.sendNoteOff( iSound[i], 0, midi_channel );
midiA.sendNoteOn( iSound[i], velocity ,midi_channel );
// second Byte or second 8 Steps
// bitClear(bitdp2, (a-8));
if( step_position >= 8 ){
// play Notes2
if (bitRead( inotes2[0],step_position ) == 0){ // Accent is set
veloAccent = iVelo[0];
// loop through all instruments .. but ignore the Accent with 0
for( int i = 1; i < count_instr; i++ ){
if( bitRead( inotes2[i], ( step_position-8 ) ) == 0 ){
velocity = round(iVelo[i] * veloAccent / 100);
if( velocity > 127 ){
velocity = 127;
midiA.sendNoteOff( iSound[i], 0, midi_channel );
midiA.sendNoteOn( iSound[i], velocity , midi_channel );
// ############################## Select another Instrument and update all variables and LCD ###########
void Select_Instr( int newIns ){
// if ( newIns != curIns ){
curIns = newIns;
if( newIns >= count_instr ){
curIns = count_instr-1;
lcd.print( curMode + " " + Sounds[ curIns ] + " " + iVelo[ curIns ] +" ");
notes1 = inotes1[curIns];
notes2 = inotes2[curIns];
// Show new Pattern on the Display
for( int i = 1; i < 8; i++){
if( bitRead( notes1, i ) == 0 ){
curPattern1 = curPattern1 + "X";
curPattern1 = curPattern1 + "-";
if( bitRead( notes2, i ) == 0 ){
curPattern2 = curPattern2 + "X";
curPattern2 = curPattern2 + "-";
lcd.print( curPattern1 + curPattern2 );
// ################################ Check the Potentiometer ##############################
void Check_POT() {
// Check the POT -- Menu-Functions
aVal3 = round( analogRead( aPin3 ) /8 );
if ( aVal3 != old_aVal3 ){
// Correction
myStep = myStep + 120;
// Select Instrument Menu
if( curModeNum==0 ){
Select_Instr( round(aVal3/8) );
// Velocity
if( curModeNum==1 ){
if ( aVal3 > 127 ) { aVal3=127;}
lcd.print( curMode + " " + String(aVal3) + " " + Sounds[ curIns ] + " ");
iVelo[ curIns ] = aVal3;
// Speed-Menu
if( curModeNum==2 ){
old_bpm = bpm;
bpm = round(analogRead(aPin3)/4 + 40);
lcd.print( curMode + " " + String(bpm) +" bpm ");
tempo_delay = 60000000 / bpm / 24;
// Bars
if( curModeNum==3 ){
if ( aVal3 > 127 ) { aVal3=127;}
count_bars = round(aVal3 / 8)+1;
if ( count_bars>16 )
{ count_bars=16; } // max of this setup
lcd.print( curMode + " " + String( count_bars ) +" ");
// Midi-Notes, perhaps we find a good Midi-Reference to replace Note and Name
if( curModeNum==4 && curIns>0 ){ // 30 to 70 make sense
newNote = round(aVal3/3) + 25;
if ( newNote > 70 ) { newNote =70;}
if ( newNote < 30 ) { newNote =30;}
lcd.print( curMode + " " + String(newNote) + " " + Sounds[ curIns ] + " ");
iSound[ curIns ] = newNote;
// Scale
if( curModeNum==5 ){
if( aVal3 > 127 ) { aVal3=127; }
scale = round(aVal3 / 16 );
if( scale >= sizeof( scale_string ) ){ scale = sizeof( scale_string )-1 ; }
lcd.print( curMode + " " + scale_string[ scale ] + " " );
old_aVal3 = aVal3;
// ################################ Check Menu - Buttons --#######################
void Check_MENU() {
// Check if Menu-Button or Start or Stop was pressed
buttonStateS = digitalRead( buttonPinS ); // OLD: Menu changes on buttonpress .. not on release. NEW: It has to change the Menu on "Release" of the button
// Acting by release offers to do something while the button is pressed. ... faster Change
buttonStateL = digitalRead( buttonPinL );
buttonStateR = digitalRead( buttonPinR );
if( oldStateS==1 && buttonStateS == 0 ){
curModeNum = curModeNum +1;
if( curModeNum >(5-playBeats) ){ curModeNum = 0 ;}
curMode= Modes[curModeNum];
if( curModeNum != 3 && curModeNum != 2 && curModeNum != 5 ){
lcd.print( curMode + " " + Sounds[ curIns ] +" " + buttonStateS + " ");
if( curModeNum == 3 ){
lcd.print( curMode + " " + String( count_bars ) +" " );
if( curModeNum == 2 ){ // Speed
lcd.print( curMode + " " + String(bpm) +" bpm " );
if( curModeNum == 5 ){
lcd.print( curMode + " " + scale_string[ scale ] +" " );
if( playBeats == false && buttonStateL != oldStateL && buttonStateL == LOW ){
// Start-Button
playBeats = true;
lcd.print( "Started Beating " );
// MIDI-Clock
midiA.sendRealTime( MIDI_NAMESPACE::Start );
if( playBeats == true && buttonStateR != oldStateR && buttonStateR == LOW ){
// Stop-Button
playBeats = false;
lcd.print( "Stopped Beating ");
oldStateS = buttonStateS;
oldStateL = buttonStateL;
oldStateR = buttonStateR;
// ############################## Check the Buttons for Notes #################################
void Check_DrumButtons() {
//-- Don't do anything unless they press a switch --
// Unless they're all high...
if ( bits1 != B11111111 && oldStatus1 != bits1 ){
//-- Find lowest pressed switch --
for( byte bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < 8; bitIndex++ ){
if( bitRead(bits1, bitIndex) == 0) {
if( oldStateL == HIGH ) {
if( bitRead(notes1, bitIndex) == 1) {
bitClear( notes1, bitIndex );
bitSet( notes1, bitIndex );
inotes1[curIns] = notes1;
// Instrument_Select
Select_Instr( bitIndex );
// Unless they're all high...
if ( bits2 != B11111111 && oldStatus2 != bits2 ){
//-- Find lowest pressed switch --
for( byte bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < 8; bitIndex++){
if( bitRead(bits2, bitIndex) == 0 ){
// Both Buttons areL and S are not pressed!
if( oldStateL == HIGH ){
// && oldStateS == HIGH )
if( bitRead(notes2, bitIndex ) == 1){
bitClear(notes2, bitIndex );
bitSet( notes2, bitIndex );
inotes2[curIns] = notes2;
// Serial.println ("Bit Cleared");
// }
// ExplosionAnimation(bitIndex, address2);
// left 2 Bits to change the Scale
if( bitIndex == 0 ){
if( scale > 0 ){ scale = scale-1; }
lcd.print( Modes[5] + " " + scale_string[ scale ] +" " );
// left 2 Bits to change the Scale
if( bitIndex == 1 ){
scale = scale+1;
if ( scale >=4){ scale=0; }// only llop through straight scales
lcd.print( Modes[5] + " " + scale_string[ scale ] +" " );
// left 4 Bits to change the Scale
if( bitIndex==6 ){
old_bpm = bpm;
bpm = bpm - 2;
if( bpm < 40 ){ bpm=40; }
lcd.print( Modes[2] + " " + String(bpm) +" bpm " );
tempo_delay = 60000000 / bpm / 24;
// add some speed to BPM
if( bitIndex==7 ){
old_bpm = bpm;
bpm = bpm + 2;
if (bpm > 300){ bpm=300; }
lcd.print( Modes[2] + " " + String(bpm) +" bpm " );
tempo_delay = 60000000 / bpm / 24;
oldStatus1 = bits1;
oldStatus2 = bits2;
// #### Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup #####
void setup(){
// for Debugging
// Serial.begin( 115200 );
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
lcd.init(); // initialize the lcd
// Print a message to the LCD
lcd.backlight(); // I have not enabled that pin... at my box, the backlight is always on, via hardwire.
lcd.print( "hman-Projects.de" ); // << put in Your prefered Name for this Sequencer into this variable:)
count_instr = sizeof(iSound);
Wire.begin(); // Arduino UNO uses (SDA=A4,SCL=A5)
// Wire.begin(0,2); // ESP8266 needs (SDA=GPIO0,SCL=GPIO2)
pinMode(buttonPinS, INPUT); // Selecct Button
pinMode(buttonPinL, INPUT); // Left- or Start-Button
pinMode(buttonPinR, INPUT); // Right- or Stop-Button
// virtual Pull-Up-Resitor activated, Pins are by default "HIGH"
digitalWrite( buttonPinS, HIGH); // Selecct Button
digitalWrite( buttonPinL, HIGH); // Left- or Start-Button
digitalWrite( buttonPinR, HIGH); // Right- or Stop-Button
notes1 = B11111111; // Bitwise per Instrument, No Note equals "1", note to play equals "0" !
notes2 = B11111111;
midiA.setHandleNoteOn( handleNoteOn );
midiA.begin( MIDI_CHANNEL_OMNI ); // Midi-Input for Sync
midiA.turnThruOff(); // this prevents the MPX16 to collaps
tempo_delay = 60000000/bpm/24; // delay in Microseconds ....
Timer1.initialize( tempo_delay ); // initialize timer1, and set a 1/2 second period
Timer1.attachInterrupt( callback );
void Read_Switches(){
bits1 = ReadIo( address1 ); // Read all switches
bits2 = ReadIo( address2 ); // Read all switches
// ############################################ void loop #################################################
void loop() {
// b is a simple Counter to do nothing
b ++;
// read the IO-Pins every 5 cycles
if( b > 4 ){
// Update the LEDs
showStep( step_position, address1, address2, notes1, notes2 );
b = 0;
myStep ++; // This is second counter to find the right time to get the new values from the BUTTONS and the POT
if( myStep >= myRefresh ){
myStep = 0;
// lcd.setCursor(0,1);
// lcd.print ("Step:" + String(step_position) + " " + scale_value[scale] + " " + String(scale) + " " );
// Check MIDI IN
// Is there a MIDI message incoming ?
switch( midiA.getType()){ // Get the type of the message we caught
// case midi::ProgramChange: // If it is a Program Change,
// BlinkLed(MIDI.getData1()); // blink the LED a number of times
// correponding to the program number
// (0 to 127, it can last a while..)
// case midi::
// See the online reference for other message types
//This function is call by the timer depending Sync mode and BPM//
void Count_PPQN(){
//-----------------Sync SLAVE-------------------//
/* if(midi_sync){
if (midiA.read()) // Is there a MIDI message incoming ?
byte data = midiA.getType();
if(data == midi::Start ){
if(playBeats==true) //mode==MODE_PATTERN_PLAY || mode==MODE_PATTERN_WRITE || mode==MODE_INST_SELECT)
// play_pattern = 1;
//if(mode==MODE_SONG_PLAY || mode==MODE_SONG_WRITE){
// play_song = 1;
// count_ppqn=-1;
// song_position=0;
// }
else if(data == midi::Stop ) {
// play_pattern = 0;
// play_song = 0;
// count_step=0;
// song_position=0;
else if(data == midi::Clock && playBeats==true) //(play_pattern == 1 || play_song == 1)) case midi::Clock
if(count_ppqn>=(count_bars * scale_value[scale])-1) {
// song_position++;
// if (song_position==16) song_position=0;
if ( step_position >= count_bars ) { step_position=0; }
// Play Notes!!
// Request news from Drum-Buttons
// Update the LEDs
showStep (step_position, address1, address2, notes1, notes2 );
// if (count_ppqn>1) led_flag=0;//Led clignote reste ON 1 count sur 6
// if (count_ppqn<=1) led_flag=1;
// led_flag=!led_flag;
// if (data==MIDI_CLOCK && (play_pattern == 0 || play_song==0)){
// count_led++;
// if(count_led==12){
// count_led=0;
// led_flag=!led_flag;
// }
//-----------------Sync MASTER-------------------//
// timer_time=2500000/bpm;
// midiA(MIDI_CLOCK);
digitalWrite(13, digitalRead(13) ^ 1);
lcd.print( " Timer" + String( count_ppqn ) );
// midiA.sendRealTime(MIDI_NAMESPACE::Clock);
if( playBeats==true ) //play_pattern||play_song)
// if (song_position==16) song_position=0;
if ( step_position>= count_bars ) { step_position=0; }
// Play Notes
// Update the LEDs
showStep (step_position, address1, address2, notes1, notes2 );
// if (count_ppqn>1) led_flag=0;//Led blink 1 count on 6
// if (count_ppqn<=1) led_flag=1;
// led_flag=!led_flag;
else if(playBeats==false) // !play_pattern &&!play_song)
// count_led++;
// song_position=0;
// if(count_led==12){
// count_led=0;
// led_flag=!led_flag;
// }
// }